Color advertising card for Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes showing a picture of a woman with a sheaf of corn.
Caption on front: The sweetheart of the corn Dear Madam: Kellogg's - the original Toasted Corn Flakes - is so popular that scores of imitations have arisen. Some imitators claim theirs is packed by Kellogg: the only way you can get Kellogg's is in the Kellogg package; you see it's important to say Kellogg's when buying corn Flakes. For four years I have been warning the people in the magazines and newspapers, but now I come to you with this personal message - if you want the original Toasted Corn Flakes - the kind with the flavor - don't ask for Corn Flakes, ask for Kellogg's and insist on getting the package that bears my signature. W. K. Kellogg