Willard Historical Images

Battle Creek Sanitarium winter view, c. 1909

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dc.coverage.temporal Battle Creek. Michigan, circa 1909 en_US
dc.identifier.other LPC-008-037-001 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.willardlibrary.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/9429
dc.description Postcard showing a winter photograph of the Battle Creek Sanitarium main building. Caption on front: Sanitarium Battle Creek, Mich. 244. Written on back: Dear Sister We arrived all OK have had a good time we wrode [sic] on the bathing boat twice we got here noon was as hungry as a bear. We went to meeting last eve. May and I went rowing this Morn before breakfast while the rest was to [illegible] meeting. Midland Park Gull Lake Mich. Write mail comes fine Ada Sent to: Mrs. L. B. Wonser Olivet Michigan R. R. #3 Sent on: August 18, 1909 en_US
dc.format.extent 300 dpi tif.; xxx KB en_US
dc.format.medium b&w postcard en_US
dc.language.iso En en_US
dc.subject Battle Creek Sanitarium en_US
dc.subject Midland Park en_US
dc.subject Lakes - Gull Lake en_US
dc.subject B.C. Sanitarium Favorites, Birds Eye View, Front Views, Front Pillars en_US
dc.title Battle Creek Sanitarium winter view, c. 1909 en_US
dc.type Image en_US

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