Willard Historical Images

Michigan Business and Normal College request for information, c. 1898

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dc.coverage.temporal Battle Creek. Michigan, circa 1898 en_US
dc.identifier.other LPC-001-004-002 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.willardlibrary.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/8503
dc.description Printed postcard for student to send to Michigan Business and Normal College, asking for information. Caption on front: Send this Card and Secure Complete Information Mr. C. J. ARGUBRIGHT, Pres. Mich. Bus. & Nor. College. Dear Sir:- Without obligation on my part, you may send me your 54-page Illustrated Catalog. Please explain fully about your SPECIAL POSITION GUARANTEE CONTRACT also the cost, time required, etc. I am interested in studies I have marked (X). Mark (X) the Studies in which you are most interested ......Bookkeeping (Up-to-date and Practical) ......Shorthand ......Typewriting (Touch Method) ......Arithmetic (As Applied to Business) ......Business Law ......Punctuation ......Spelling (Words Used in Business) ......Penmanship (Plain Business Style) ......Advertising (as applied by up-to-date concerns) ......Business English ......Business Letter Writing ......Drill in Figures ......Banking (National, State and Private) ......Wholesale Accounting ......Railroad Accounting ......Corporation Accounting (Voucher System) ......Office Practice (Actual Business) ......Multigraphing, Mimeographing __________________ (Your Name Here) __________________ (Address Here) Caption on back: Private Mailing Card AUTHORIZED BY ACT OF CONGRESS MAY 19, 1898 C. J. ARGUBRIGHT, PRES. MICH. BUS. & NOR. COLLEGE, Battle Creek, Michigan en_US
dc.format.extent 300 dpi tif.; xxx KB en_US
dc.format.medium b&w postcard en_US
dc.language.iso En en_US
dc.subject Schools - Michigan Business and Normal College en_US
dc.subject Argubright, C. J. en_US
dc.subject Schools - Argubright College en_US
dc.subject B.C. Advertising I en_US
dc.title Michigan Business and Normal College request for information, c. 1898 en_US
dc.type Image en_US

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