Willard Historical Images

Metal Back Album Company

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dc.coverage.temporal Battle Creek, Michigan, circa 1890 en_US
dc.identifier.other LPC-001-034-003 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.willardlibrary.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/8480
dc.description Advertising card for Metal Back Album Co. Caption on front: FIRE Your Old Style Albums and Buy a METAL BACK. An Entirely New Invention. Patented in all Countries. Fast taking the place of all old-style Albums. Examine this Album before buying another. It is Superior to all others for family use, and for Holiday, Birthday and Wedding Gifts. Notice the following Patent Advantages.: This Album has a flexible metallic extension, hinged back, composed of nickle stubs, which form the back of the book. Each leaf can be taken from its place and put in any other part of the book. A soiled leaf can be discarded and a new one replaced by anyone, without the aid of a book binder. The book can be increased to any thickness by adding new leaves and metal hinges. When the Album becomes too thick to look well it can be divided into two or more books by getting new sets of covers. The leaves containing the photographs can be taken from the Album as passe-partout, to exhibit the pictures. It is ornamental, convenient,durable and sensible. It is the only satisfactory Album for photographs ever made. Not being sold at the stores, it can only be had from our authorized agents. Manufactured by Special Expensive Machinery invented for the purse. Sold on easy payments, at prices no highter than the old styles, when made of equally good material. METAL-BACK ALBUM CO., BATTLE CREEK, MICH. The back of this Card is a Sample of our Imported Mahogany-Finish Paper; it has no equal. en_US
dc.format.extent 300 dpi tif.; xxx KB en_US
dc.format.medium b&w card en_US
dc.language.iso En en_US
dc.subject Industries - Metal Back Album Company en_US
dc.subject B.C. Advertising I en_US
dc.title Metal Back Album Company en_US
dc.type Image en_US

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