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Ellis Publishing Company 15 -17 East State Street. Originally founded in 1895 and located at 218 W. Main. From the Battle Creek Moon, February 12, 1895.
...It will probably be new to many of our readers to learn that during then past eighteen months there has been a substantial addition made to the many
industries of Battle Creek, that bids fair in the very near future to given employment to a very large number of our citizens, unless the management should decide to move their plant elsewhere; we refer to the Ellis Publishing Company, whose present office and piece of business is No. 218 West Main street. This firm is engaged in the publication
of college text books and supplies and is interested principally in supply business colleges and department schools throughout the United States and Canada with a special line of books snd
stationery that are used by this class of schools... The company is not incorporated and the business is owned by the two principal officers, Mr. N. S. Phelps, the president and business manager of the company, and Mr. C. L. Ellis, who is its secretary and treasurer... |
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