Youth Building, Civic Recreation Center (1948 postcard). Boys' Club Building, later known as the Youth Building. Built in 1926. From the BATTLE CREEK MOON JOURNAL, November 20, 1926, p. 1.
PLAN FOR NEW BOYS’ CLUB IS NOW COMPLETE; Enterprise now Only Awaits Permanent Organization for Maintenance. ; WILL BE A MODERN CLUB; Benjamin and Benjamin complete Drawings; Only Venture of Its Kind in Country.
Construction of a $150,000 boys’ club at College street and Garfield avenue, given to the city by an unknown donor and which will probably be the only venture of its kind in the country, is now awaiting only formation of a permanent organization to conduct the enterprise and manage its maintenance.
Architects plans, drawn by Benjamin and Benjamin of Grand Rapids, have been approved. Lowest bidder upon specifications submitted is S. B. Cole of this city. It is pointed out, however that no contract can be entered into until the club is backed by a definite organization empowered to transact business.
Equipment of the attractive building adjacent to Irving Park and Genebach athletic field, will include a large swimming pool, gymnasium, recreation rooms, reading rooms and lounges. All of the advantages offered by the best clubs in the country will be made available for the boys of Battle Creek.
Plan For Organization
“We must now set up an organization that will operate the club and determine whether funds will be available for the permanent maintenance of the club,” said Attorney Burritt Hamilton, a member of the committee on organization. “There will be a meeting of the committee soon to determine what kind of an organization will be made and who will form it.”
Mr. Hamilton states that various suggestions have been made. Some favor conducting the club in the plan of a Y.W.C.A. and forming an alliance in some way with that organization.
Will Be Independent
Several members of the committee, however, favor keeping operation of the club entirely within this city as an independent organization. This would call for a governing board comprising a fixed number of business men with full power of self-perpetuation and … an advisory board selected from the various civic organizational churches, schools and dinner clubs.
It is also considered possible that operation of the new club will be linked in some way with the Civic Recreation association.
It is assured that whatever form of organization is decided will have to meet with approval of the present committee, to change before its final adoption.