Willard Historical Images

Advertisements for Battle Creek Businesses

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dc.coverage.temporal Battle Creek. Michigan, circa ??? en_US
dc.identifier.other LPC-036-029-001 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.willardlibrary.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/13275
dc.description Advertisements for Battle Creek Businesses. Ads included on front: Mason's Millinery Emporium Parlors. Artistic Work Low Prices ground Floor 32 West Main St. - H. R. Williams Livery and Hack Line Telephone No 35. Between the Williams and Halliday Houses. Open Day and Night. Special Attention to Weddings and Funerals. - H. E. Henry, Hard and Soft Coal Price and Quality Guaranteed Lumber - E. J. Strohm, Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Diamond Setting A specialty. Gold and Silver Prize Medals made on Short Notice. Geddes Book Store 3 E. Main St. - Gem Restaurant 15 cent Lunches for 10 Cents Meals 20c 6 for $100 - Dickerson Steam Dye Works, Ladies' & Gents' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Steam and Dry Cleaning a Specialty 38 South Jefferson Street - Bicycle Repairing Agents for Monarch Cycles Low Prices Peterson & Walton, 35 & 37 Washington St. First Class Work. Full Line of Cycle Sundries - Save Steps. Dry Goods and Notions - comprising almost a complete line - are offered at prices that will command your approval. Would be pleased to have you call and examine. Mrs. S. J. Houghtaling. 223 W. Main St. - Fruits for Canning in Season - Lowest Prices on Wood - Finest Freshest Groceries Vegetables and Bakery Goods Always Fresh. G.B. Whipple 328 W. Main St. - Don't Go down town and wait when you can get better service at home. Hot and Cold Baths. for an easy Shave. See C. A. Searles, 220 Marshall St. - Central Location Superior Workmen Henry Wiswell, Barber Baths 25c 34 W. Main St. - I am the sole agent of Battle Creek for Collin's Ice Cream. Give me your orders for parties and you will hav the best in the world. This cream is also used in soda at my Store. Give it a trial and be convinced. Yours Will R. Phillips, Druggist. On back: photos of trade cards. Captions include "Kitty and I. the Peaceful River. The Old Oaken Bucket. en_US
dc.format.medium color trade card en_US
dc.language.iso En en_US
dc.subject Stores - Mason's Millinery Emporium Parlors en_US
dc.subject Business - H. R. Williams Livery and Hack Line en_US
dc.subject Business - H. E. Henry Coal en_US
dc.subject Business - E. .J. Strohm, Watchmaker en_US
dc.subject B.C. Trade Cards en_US
dc.title Advertisements for Battle Creek Businesses en_US
dc.type Image en_US

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