Willard Historical Images

Coupon used to order Kellogg's Sun Suits

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dc.coverage.temporal Battle Creek. Michigan, circa ??? en_US
dc.identifier.other LPC-024-048-002 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.willardlibrary.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/11903
dc.description Coupon to be enclosed with boxtops and money to order Kellogg's Sun Suits. Caption on front: Kellogg Company Dept. 61 Battle Creek, Mich. Enclosed find _____ package tops from Kellogg's Corn Flakes or any other Kellogg Cereal and ____ in coin (1 package top and 20c for each suit) for which please send me _____ Kellogg Sun Suits. [Check style, and size.] Style Boy's - Yellow Girl's - Pink Name_____ Street and No. _____ City or Town ______ State_____ en_US
dc.format.medium b&w coupon en_US
dc.language.iso En en_US
dc.subject Industries - Kellogg Company en_US
dc.subject Kellogg Real Photos, Misc., Kellogg Advertising, Kellogg Ranch, Kellogg Gull Lake, Kellogg Bird Sanctuary en_US
dc.title Coupon used to order Kellogg's Sun Suits en_US
dc.type Image en_US

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