Postcard showing black and white line drawings of some of the Kellogg Company advertising characters, including Jinks, Pixie and Dixie, Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, and Boo-Boo.
Caption on back: Kellogg Company of Canada, Ltd., London, Ont., makers of - Corn Flakes - Rice Krispies - Pep - Special K - Sugar Frosted Flakes - Sugar Pops - Sugar Smacks - Cocoa Krispies - Frosted Sugar Stars - All-Bran - Raisin Bran - OKs - Bran Flakes - Krumbles - Variety - Snack-Pak - Froot Loops - Bran Buds - Corn Flake Crumbs Kellogg's "The best to you each morning"