Color brochure for Thanksgiving Dinner at the Camp Custer Field Hospital, c. 1918
Caption on front: Thanksgiving Dinner Field Hospital 256 on Thursday, November 28th 1918 at Camp Custer Battle Creek, Michigan
Caption on inside: A Thanksgiving Grace - Oh, Lord, as we partake of this bountiful repast, gathered from a fair and undevastated land, may we remember in pity the torn and disconsolate across the sea. make us to realize that practical prayer is the payment of all our obligations to God and our fellow man; that words without deeds are a hollow mockery, and in They ears as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. For the withholding of the war's scourge from our fair fields we thank Thee. For the bravest and truest and strongest of men who are fighting our fight on foreign soil wew thank Thee. As they protect and honor us may we have the grace and grit to honor and support them. Take unholy hate from our hearts but weaken not our swords until justice is done and eternal peace is reigning over all the world. Amen. - Herbert H. Stalker
Back, page two: Field Hospital 256 Menu Oyster Soup Oysterettes Roast Young Turkey, Oyster Dressing Cranberry Sauce Giblet Gravy Bordeaux Flaked Potatoes Candied Sweet Potatoes French Creamed Peas Parker House Rolls, Country Butter Fruit-et-Nut Mayonnaise Dressing Custer Salad Liberty Dressing PIES Hot Mince Grandmother's Pumpkin American Cheese Garants Fruit Cake Cocoanut Cake ice Cream Sweet Apple Cider Dripped Coffee Assorted Fresh Fruits Cigars Cigarettes