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Advertising card for the Clark Autotram, a self contained light rail passenger coach carrying 40 or 72 passengers, depending on the model. This was displayed at the Century of Progress exhibition in Chicago in 1933.
Caption on front: Clark Autotram Clark Equipment Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Caption on back: Clark Autotram
STREAMLINED Autotram is a full streamlined, rail-way passenger coach.
ALUMINUM Body and center beam strong, light, aluminum alloys.
POWER Direct gas power by 16 cylinder engine with mechanical drive and special hydraulic clutch.
RESILIENT WHEELS Autotram equipped with Clark-Good-rich resilient wheels with steel tires of standard A. R. A. contour: resilient wheels dampen rail shocks.
INSULATION Body completely insulated against heat, vibration and noise. Permanently sealed, double plate and safety glass windows.
AIR CONDITIONED Car equipped with forced ventilation; heated in winter and cooled in summer.
CAPACITY This model carries 40 passengers with conventional seating arrangement. Larger models in single, two and three car articulated units with full accommodations up to 164 passengers.
SPEED Capable of speeds up to 110 m. p. h. as specified.
CONTROL Car carries special electric signal ap-paratus assuring positive operation of all automatic railway signal devices.
CAB Engineer has 180 (degree symbol) full vision through six safety glass windows. "Dead man" control on throttle.
BRAKES Fully automatic air brakes operating on all wheels and inter-connecting with modern railway equipment.
ACCELERATION Capable of extremely rapid accelera-tion and deceleration (quick get-away and rapid stopping.)
Not: - This particular car has had seven months' service in operation. CLARK EQUIPMENT COMPANY Battle Creek, Michigan |
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