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Postcard showing a photo of a parade in downtown Battle Creek, probably along Jefferson Avenue (now Capital Avenue), c. 1913. Sign on banner over street: "Visit the Big Kellogg Factory."
Written on front: This is a picture I took in Battle Creek Mich If you want to come it is all wright with me. The are plenty of work for two for 2 or 3 years or more- S.K. [illegible] Lilla said it would not be so lonesome for me.
Written on back: I did not get the other letter it was lost. and have not found it yet. Dear Folks, We are all well as can be expected expect Buster. We had him the baby hospital and are going to take him back Fri. to have the exray picture taken of the bones - other wise he may be all write we will know Friday - I am working in Cleva now - any [illegible] - Isn't Grant with you - yet - There is Plenty of work for two here if you want to come) S. K R.
Sent on: October (date is illegible), 1913
Sent to: JM Ruse, South Bend, Ind, Gen. Del.
Sent from: 1803 Brevier Ave, Station A, Cleveland, O |
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