Willard Historical Images

Battle Creek Country Club, c. 1924

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dc.coverage.temporal Battle Creek. Michigan, circa 1924 en_US
dc.identifier.other LPC-021-052-003 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.willardlibrary.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/11294
dc.description Color postcard showing a photo of the Battle Creek Country Club located in the old C. L. Post home at his Calmary Farm on Goguac Lake. The Battle Creek Country Club was originally organized in 1906 and purchased the old Corey Farm along the Kalamazoo River west of Battle Creek on property now occupied by the Leila Arboretum. In 1919 the Country Club purchased this home and property from the estate of C. L. Post. Caption on front: 50. Country Club, Battle Creek, Mich. Written on front: Got a card from Marian today they got to Vancouver all right. and are fine. Written on back: Sabbath 5:00 a.m. Dear Sadie. Was glad to get your card. Mama is stil the same wors out in her yard every day sure looks nice. I do the other work but she does like to be out doors. she was going out for a ride today but had so much company she coudnln't its trying to rain here. and is quite cool. has been just fine. don't work to hard wish I could clean house. With love Emma Sent to: Mrs. Russell Betty's Biteley, Mich. R.F.D. Sent on: June 6, 1924 en_US
dc.format.medium color postcard en_US
dc.language.iso En en_US
dc.subject Organizations - Battle Creek Country Club en_US
dc.subject Sports - Golf en_US
dc.subject Lakes - Goguac Lake en_US
dc.subject Goguac en_US
dc.title Battle Creek Country Club, c. 1924 en_US
dc.type Image en_US

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